

The Benefits

All evidence proves that exercise is beneficial to everyone of all ages and abilities. There are various benefits such as:


How Much Should You Do?

An adult between 19-64 should aim to do some form of exercise every day, but this doesn’t just mean sports such as running and cycling, daily activities such as gardening and housework also count. The NHS recommends that adults should do 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week. This level will be different depending on your level of fitness.


Exercise Ideas

There is a level of exercise suitable for everyone, below are some suggestions.
Moderate activities:

Vigorous activites:

Useful Resources

Programmes to help you

Pure Physiotherapy

Couch to 5K

Follow the NHS’s week-by-week description of the 9-week set of Couch to 5K podcasts.

Pilates Classes

Our specifically trained physios run our own Pilates classes which are suitable to all abilities.

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