How can a physio help my shoulder pain?

How can a physio help my shoulder pain?

A physiotherapist can help with shoulder pain in several ways:

  1. Pain management: A physiotherapist can use techniques such as manual therapy, acupuncture, or electrotherapy to help manage shoulder pain.
  2. Exercise therapy: A physiotherapist can design a customized exercise program to improve flexibility, strength, and endurance of the muscles in the shoulder, which can help to reduce shoulder pain.
  3. Posture correction: A physiotherapist can help to correct poor posture, which can contribute to shoulder pain.
  4. Manual therapy: A physiotherapist can use techniques such as massage, mobilization, or manipulation to improve joint mobility and reduce muscle tension in the shoulder.
  5. Patient education: A physiotherapist can educate patients on how to manage shoulder pain, including advice on how to modify daily activities to avoid aggravating the shoulder, and how to properly perform exercises to improve shoulder function.
  6. Modalities: A physiotherapist can use modalities such as heat, ice, or ultrasound to help reduce pain and inflammation in the shoulder.
  7. Overall, a physiotherapist can help to address the root causes of shoulder pain and provide patients with tools and techniques to manage their symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.


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