How exercise impacts the workplace

In April, Pure Physiotherapy took on the GoeJoe Challenge, a specific exercise initiative designed to promote health and wellness in the workplace. Our challenge was a head-to-head competition against other teams to cover the furthest distance by walking, swimming, cycling or running. Exercise is a key pillar in the treatment of many health conditions, especially […]
How can a physio help my arthritis?

A physiotherapist can help with arthritis in several ways: Pain management: Arthritis can cause pain, and a physiotherapist can help manage this pain through exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques.
Improve mobility and flexibility: Arthritis can cause stiffness and reduced mobility in joints, but physiotherapy can help to improve flexibility and increase joint mobility through exercises and stretches.
Is exercise bad for your joints?

There is a common misconception that exercise is bad for your joints, particularly for those who suffer from conditions such as osteoarthritis. However, the opposite is actually true: regular exercise can be beneficial for your joints, and can help to improve symptoms of joint pain and stiffness.