News & Blog

How exercise impacts the workplace


How can I run longer without getting tired?

Improving your endurance and running longer distances...

Running vs Antidepressants for Anxiety and Depression

This blog post discusses the benefits of running not ...

How can a physio help my shoulder pain?

A physiotherapist can help with shoulder pain in several ways: Posture correctio...

How can a physio help my neck pain?

A physiotherapist can help with neck pain in several ways: Exercise therapy: A p...

How can a physio help my low back pain?

A physiotherapist can help with low back pain in several ways: Pain management: ...

How can a physio help my arthritis?

A physiotherapist can help with arthritis in several ways: Pain management: Arth...

How much water should I be drinking?

As a society, we often hear the mantra “drink eight glasses of water a day...

Is exercise bad for your joints?

There is a common misconception that exercise is bad for your joints, particular...

What is the best way to manage hip osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis of the hip is a common condition that can cause pain, stiffness, ...

What is the best way to manage knee osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldw...

The Importance Of Exercise In Pregnancy

Having a child can be an amazing experience for both men and women. However, for...

6 Tips To Improve Your Post-Run Recovery

Running is a great form of exercise to improve your overall health and wellbeing...

Take a Sleep of Faith – 12 Practical Ways to Improve your Sleep

Without a full night of good quality sleep, apart from the obvious symptom of ti...

Physiotherapy Placement at Pure

Initial nerves, taking on more responsibilities- read a student’s top tips...

Rochdale Clinic – Press Release

New Physiotherapy Clinic in Rochdale


New Self-Help App – Press Release

Pure Physiotherapy is extremely proud to have launched their new self-help app.<...

What Is a First Contact Practitioner?

More on what the role of a first contact practitioner (FCP) is and how the servi...

Managing Arthritis in the Winter

Arthritis is known to flare up in the colder months so we have put together tips...

Staying Active in Norwich

Looking to stay active in Norwich? Discover our favourite outdoor routes for wal...

Stress Awareness Week

With this week being ‘Stress Awareness Week’, we wanted to highlight the imp...

Business Award Finalist

Finalists for the Education in Business Award as part of the Norfolk Business Aw...

Exercise and Mental Health

This blog looks at the importance of exercise/physical activity and your mental ...

What is Acupuncture?

A quick and simple guide to what acupuncture is, how it works and what it is use...

Musculoskeletal System & Smoking

We all know smoking is harmful to our general health, what is less well known is...

Boom and Bust

What is boom and bust and how can it be avoided? Read our blog to learn more abo...

Returning to the Gym

Returning to the gym after time away? Follow these tips to avoid injury and maxi...

Running and Health

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise globally. It’s commo...

Young, Healthy and Hit by COVID

The story of Kay, one of our physios, getting and then overcoming Covid-19. Incl...

What Is A Herniated Lumbar Disc?

The intervertebral joints of the low back (lumbar spine) are composed of the lum...

Working From Home Guidance

We are now 14 weeks into lockdown and despite the fact that things seem to be ch...

Coronavirus Update

After the recent government update regarding the lockdown and phased reopening, ...

Medical Scans & Musculoskeletal Pain

What is Medical Imaging? A patient with spinal pain, shoulder pain or knee pain ...

Lower Back Pain- Slipped Disc?

A common injury reported is a ‘slipped disc’ or a ‘herniated disc’. But ...

Lower Back Pain Myths 4 – Lifting Posture and Movement

Pain can be experienced during movements for a multitude of reasons – muscle s...

Lower Back Pain Myths 3 – Is Movement Causing More Damage?

“I must be causing more damage by moving my back because it hurts when I bend...

Lower Back Pain Myths 2 – I need a scan!…Or do you?

All too commonly patients are seeking an x-ray or MRI to help establish the caus...

Lower Back Pain Myths – 1

Lower back pain is very common and according to the World Confederation of Physi...

Plantar-Fasciitis (Plantar-Fasciopathy)

Plantar Fasciopathy (also referred to as Plantar-fasciitis or Plantar-fasciosis)...

Introducing the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor muscles exist in both men and women…….. honestly they do!! ...

The Shoulder Complex

The shoulder complex refers to much more than just our shoulder. Function of our...

Why does my hip hurt?!

Gluteal tendinopathy (often referred to as lateral hip pain or Greater Trochante...

Let’s stand!

Do you find that the majority of your day is spent sitting? Whether that be sitt...

Exercise and Osteoarthritis

Have you been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and want to remain active but feel y...