How can a physio help my arthritis?

How can a physio help my arthritis?

A physiotherapist can help with arthritis in several ways:

  1. Pain management: Arthritis can cause pain, and a physiotherapist can help manage this pain through exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques.
  2. Improve mobility and flexibility: Arthritis can cause stiffness and reduced mobility in joints, but physiotherapy can help to improve flexibility and increase joint mobility through exercises and stretches.
  3. Strengthen muscles: Physiotherapy can help to strengthen muscles around the affected joints, which can help to reduce pain and improve mobility.
  4. Provide education: A physiotherapist can provide education on joint protection, proper body mechanics, and exercise techniques, which can help to reduce the risk of further joint damage.
  5. Recommend assistive devices: A physiotherapist can recommend assistive devices such as splints, braces, or walking aids, which can help to support the affected joint and reduce pain.
  6. Collaborate with other healthcare professionals: A physiotherapist can work with other healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists or rheumatologists, to provide a comprehensive treatment plan for arthritis management.


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