Nottingham Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in Nottingham

Call: 0800 989 0031


Visit: Pure Physiotherapy, 24 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PL

Opening hours:

8am-8pm, Monday-Friday

8am-12pm, Saturday

Check availability and book online now!

Your Physiotherapy Clinic in Nottingham

At our Nottingham clinic, we provide personalised musculoskeletal physiotherapy services by a team of highly qualified physiotherapists with over 100 years of combined experience!

Every patient receives a thorough and comprehensive assessment, with subsequent provision of appropriate interventions including:

  • expert advice
  • rehabilitation
  • massage
  • acupuncture
  • joint mobilisations
  • exercise prescription.

Physiotherapists provide you with expert management of a wide range of conditions, including (but not limited to):

  • sciatica
  • neck, back and joint pain
  • sports injuries
  • post-operative rehabilitation
  • running related injuries
  • knee and foot pain
  • ongoing musculoskeletal conditions
  • and much more!
Check availability and book online now!

What to expect at your appointment

Welcome to Nottingham Pure Physiotherapy! Before your appointment, it might be sensible to put on some clothing that makes it easier for our physiotherapist to assess you (e.g. some shorts if it’s your knee or ankle!). If you’re driving, please park up in one of the spaces on-site – there’s plenty of room.

When you walk into the clinic, you will be greeted by our wonderful receptionist. If our receptionist is not available at that time, we will have a sign up saying to take a seat and the physiotherapist will greet you as soon as they are available. If you are attending your appointment for the first time, you will have an assessment session where you concerns will be assessed by the physio. Dependent on the outcome of the assessment you will be booked in for a consequent treatment session usually in a weeks’ time (but this can vary dependent on the individual). After the completion of treatment sessions, the physio will discharge you with a self-management plan or onward referral if needed. 

Fundamentally, our main aim is to guide you through overcoming your injury and/or pain and getting you back to the things that you love doing – whether that be scooping your grandchild up to give them a hug or completing that Iron Man event later in the year! Whatever your goal, Nottingham Physiotherapy is here to help.

How much does an appointment cost?

Initial assessments will cost £50, and follow-up sessions will be charged at £40

What does a Physiotherapy session include?

Our expert Physiotherapists will ask a series of succinct yet detailed questions in order to gain a complete understanding of your condition. The physiotherapist will then conduct a thorough physical assessment of any relevant anatomical structures that may be contributing to your condition.

This allows the physiotherapist to accurately diagnose and manage your issue. Once a diagnosis has been reached, you will be provided with appropriate, expert advice plus a bespoke exercise programme.

Depending on the specific condition the physiotherapist may also choose to use massage, joint mobilisations or manipulations, acupuncture or therapeutic taping to promote tissue wellness and ultimately facilitate the complete resolution of your condition.

Do you offer private massage?

Yes! Our Physiotherapists offer a wide range of manual treatment modalities – including massage, acupuncture, joint mobilisations and manipulations.

If you prefer a specific type of treatment and wish to receive this during your session – please state this explicitly at the time of booking; we will happily find a clinician who is able to meet your needs.

How long will it take to get better?

If our Physios had a penny for every time they were asked this question…

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer or algorithm for this. Every condition or injury, soft tissue, joint, ligament, muscle and person(!) has its own unique timeframe to feeling ‘better’.

Our best advice is to seek expert support; have the area comprehensively assessed, speak to an experienced clinician and discuss your goals – we can guarantee you, you’ll get back to your goals quicker with a physiotherapist on your team than without.

What exercise should I be doing?

Exercise therapy or rehabilitation is the cornerstone treatment modality for our Physiotherapists at Sandy Hill. Movement is the best medicine!

Every patient who attends an appointment with one of our expert staff can expect to receive a comprehensive, tailored exercise programme. These exercises will be bespoke and specific to your needs; from a shoulder injury you picked up playing tennis to that back pain that’s been grumbling in the background for months… your exercises will be unique and specific to you and your goals.

What if Physiotherapy doesn't fix my problem?

Our Physiotherapists are experts in their field. They have a wealth of musculoskeletal knowledge, so they’re competent in identifying when a condition may need surgical or specialist care.

Each of our Physios are very well connected with local private and NHS specialists and will appropriately and promptly refer patients into these pathways should they need investigations or an orthopaedic opinion.

How long are the appointments?

Physiotherapy appointments are between 20-60 minutes depending on the appointment type; the admin team can confirm this at the time of booking.

How long will I have to wait for a physiotherapy appointment?

We aim to accommodate patients as soon as possible, however, popular times can book up quickly. If you are flexible on timings, we can often find an appointment within a few days. Take a look at our online bookings for live availability.

Check availability at this clinic and book online instantly

Directions to Nottingham Clinic

Directions from main local transport links: 2mins walk away straight from Cricket ground bus stop towards Musters Road. 

Directions for locals: 2mins away from Trent bridge cricket towards Musters road. If you are from the other side of musters road, please head towards in the direction of the cricket ground. Clinic located on corner, just besides Mrs Bunn’s cafe.

Meet the team

Shweta Trimbake  

MSK Physiotherapist  

Specialisms: MSK Physiotherapy, Sports injury assessment, Sports rehab, Return to sports, Sports massage

B.Pth Bachelors of Physiotherapy, MSc Sports and Exercise Medicine, FA Level 4 ITMMIF   

Shweta is a MSK and Sports Physiotherapist. After completing her bachelors in physiotherapy she specialised in a sports and exercise medicine masters from University of Nottingham. She has been working 2years + within MSK and Sports clinics and worked with in professional sports like cricket, football, hockey and marathon runners. Shweta has particular interest in working within football and cricket in clinical settings and pitch side care. Previously, she worked within England women’s cricket team and their academy players and currently working part time with Nottingham Forest FC academy outside Pure physio.